Your feedback is important. National Grid wants to know what our customers think about the Upstate Upgrade and our work to build a smarter, stronger, cleaner grid. Select the project from the list below to find instructions on how to submit a question or comment.
- Beaver River-Porter
- Black River-Beaver River
- Black River-Clay
- Colton-Nicholville
- Dunkirk-Laona
- Inghams-Rotterdam
- South Oswego-Lighthouse Hill
- Mortimer-Golah and Southeast Batavia-Golah
Companies Interested in Becoming a Supplier or Vendor
National Grid’s customers and employees expect the highest quality of service in every aspect of our business. We require the same from our suppliers and believe quality, service, and cost advantages can best be achieved when customers and suppliers work together.
National Grid’s supplier registration and eligibility process seeks to develop long-term relationships with key suppliers committed to continuous improvement and maintaining the highest standard of quality and service. Our suppliers must demonstrate a solid track record of excellent customer service, on-time deliveries, and superior communication, ethics, and technical expertise.
For National Grid Customers
National Grid customers with questions about their accounts, energy efficiency programs or bill affordability concerns visit our website or contact our customer service team at 800-642-4272.
To report an electric outage, call 800-867-5222 or visit our website.
To report a gas emergency, exit the premises IMMEDIATELY and call 911 or National Grid's gas emergency line at 800-892-2345.